
Crash Twinsanity and Crash Tag Team Racing. No game will match Naughty Dog's Crash Bandicoot, but these two games at least had a great sense of humor and voice acting (especially Tag Team Racing), and the gameplay isn't terrible enough to get in the way. Also, Spiralmouth is probably the best possible alternative to

You got bitten too? Damn that god…

Ehhh, if it's Mass Effect style masturbatory power-fantasy that rewards you with a sex scene, I'll just ignore it. Bethesda's making a concerted effort to improve their characters, as they said they would, but if they're taking hints from Bioware games I hope they're also learning from Bioware's mistakes.

Drink every time:
Mila Kunis gets kidnapped
Eddie Redmayne screams for no reason
One of the Abraxas siblings gives Mila Kunis the "Incest Eyes"
Awkward romantic tension
Akward romantic resolution (take a shot)
Mila Kunis has no idea what's going on
Mila Kunis knows exactly what's going on (take a shot)

Oh, man, this reminds me of this crazy documentary I saw on PBS a few years ago with my family. It was about sperm's journey from the testicles to fertilizing an egg; but it was all acted out by people in elaborate sets. Like, the testicles were this white pillow paradise where everyone (dressed in white) was just

Por que no las dos? Depending on what I want out of a game, I'll adjust my in-character roleplay to the choices I want to make.
Power-roleplaying? My thought process in creating a custom class for
Daggerfall was "hmm, Luck, Personality, and Speed aren't the most
important attributes in this game. I can redistribute