
yeah the actor is great, I was cracking up on his remarks about Dany's ass and what not.

lolwut. the best character on the show you mean

Also he saw by the way Brienne handled the situation with the farmer(who later on betrayed them) that he may have a better chance of survival on his own. 


"More of a role for someone like Jamie Foxx". So for an actual ACTOR you mean? Someone who can become the role and not need it to be changed to suit their personality?

Except a better actor like diCaprio takes a much minor role in the film because he knows. it's Tarantino, you don't turn that shit down. A Star player would be someone like Jamie Foxx, who's a great actor and a musical genious btw. It's not always about the money

you're kidding right? Foxx won an OSCAR for playing frickin RAY CHARLES, what has Smith done?

He would of been good but I take oscar winning actor like Foxx over him any day

Jamie Foxx is a great actor. Have you seen Ray?

Foxx is a much better actor anyway(and I like Smith)

Already looking forward to some Jaime action next week!

You're clearly an idiot. I'm out.

Stannis isn't a fool. He knows that a man like Davos is irreplaceable so he won't burn him(i hope). But Davos will have to cooperate with the Red Witch and that could be a difficult task to pull off.

can't wait! ))