
Now that the X-Files and Circuit City are back, maybe Dean Haglund can try and sell me on the benefits of DIVX once again.

I'll just go on pretending Billy disappeared from the public eye and continue enjoying Gish, Siamese Dream, and Pisces Iscariot.

The Chipotle review in the style of Cormac McCarthy is a favorite of mine.

Maybe JJ can recruit his good buddy Damon Lindelhof to crap up another beloved science fiction franchise.

Veruca Salt

Those people are truly deprived.

All of this has happened before, and will happen again.

While all of her albums are strong, Furnace Room Lullaby is the one I find myself listening to the most. South Tacoma Way, the title track, and Twist the Knife were all contenders for my list.

My Top 5 Neko Case Songs (and it's hard to keep the list at 5):

My mother drove pretty much this exact car for nearly 20 years, although her's was blue. She loved that damn car, which had 359,000 miles on it when she passed away.

I like Ringo Deathstarr. I described them to as a "high quality counterfeit" of My Bloody Valentine to my friend who first introduced me to MBV.

If My Bloody Valentine is going to be actively making records now, Ringo Deathstarr can either find a new direction or break up. (I actually really like Ringo Deathstarr.)

It's no doubt just part of their "mastered in analogue" ethos. I downloaded the 24/96 WAV files and converted them to FLAC and ALAC easily enough.

EVERYONE I know of a certain age remembers Mr. Rogers visit to the crayon factory.