
Probably 316 people have mentioned this, but it was quite nice characterization: 
(paraphrased)Britta: "Which one am I? I can't tell; I'm not racist."

I agree with all the people!

I agree with all the people!

Sometimes I wish I could rate Articles in addition to episodes. I rate this article A, fyi.

I agree about the clip show and that this is the best season, but the big brother episode has so many nice things!

@TheTuna: Antisemitism can also just mean contributing to a stereotype; I am not being critical in the negative sense, just being critical in the Analytic sense; taking it apart and seeing what it implies about our culture. Maybe it says more about me, but there are definitely antisemetic tropes.

I don't know why I can't reply to your other comment, but I agree the choice isn't anti-semetic in itself, it's only anti-semetic in the context of general society where Jews are seen as money-making et ceteras. It's less offensive, maybe, as antisemitism than as lazy writing. Oh! Rich-person's party! Let's make it a

It seemed, and I may be way off, that Abed & Troy couldn't be trusted to carry the episode? Like everyone else was an afterthought, but A & T weren't fleshed out to the extent that would have pleased an actual post-racial audience. I love Annie. I love Britta. I love Jeff. But why not just have an all brown-people

Antisemitism can also just mean contributing to a stereotype; I am not being critical in the negative sense, just being critical in the Analytic sense; taking it apart and seeing what it implies about our culture. Maybe it says more about me, but there are definitely antisemetic tropes.

Just the one-dimensionality of the specifically Jewish Dad and the specifically Jewish Kid. Like, who else could afford this kind of excess for his/her kid? Something related to excess wealth. It follows in the historical trope of wealth and Jews is all. Couldn't it have been a sweet-sixteen party? Well.. that would

Agreed… I found it odd. I would have given it an A just because I love having two Communitys in a row; I am a generous grader. It was certainly a lazy antisemitism, but that is potentially the worst kind.

I really liked this episode; but wasn't it anti-semitic? It was a little out of place, too, not following at all on last week's episode, but I liked the focus on Troy and Abed (Troy and Abed are in FOcus). And the existence of an impersonation-service pleased me a great deal.

A relatively objective reason to like Community:

New episode, please!

Fewer than twenty-four hours!!


Agreed. I saw a random episode of season four which made me start from the beginning. It has been awesome.

I would like to comment that I am sore disappointed not to be able to watch a new Community on hulu this morning as is my Friday custom.

It's among the highest rated network shows among conservatives: they can feel edgy watching a comedy with gays because all three of those households have the traditional one-parent-works-one-parent-at-home model.

My first av club comment: I disagree that there was any way that Britta wasn't infected with the glee club virus (probably someone else said this, too, but this comments section is out of control); she was glassy-eyed and couldn't understand why she should be Mouse King until Abed said it would help them get to