New Guy Here

I'm a long-time lurker here at AV Club, but I felt like I had to post on this to share that this book exists: https://amzn.com/0692438157
It's the only comprehensive telling of the story of "alternative music" that I've ever seen, and it totally nails it…

@silkolay:disqus  I'm saying that they will find a way—most likely through time-traveling portals—to have Henry be Peter Pan. Before his adoption, he was whisked down a wormhole into the Neverland past, where he lived for years without growing up, before being savagely ripped from his shadow by Rumple and given to

The short answer is: it wasn't Peter who took Bae, only his shadow, who
kept stealing boys looking for Henry, who is the real Peter Pan. (At
some point, someone will notice that Henry has no shadow, and we will be
asked to believe that he never had one the whole time we've seen

Henry is Peter Pan. At some point, he was separated from his "Shadow," which has been searching for him ever since. The reason Gold seems to know something about the "enemy" is because he was the one responsible for separating Peter from his shadow, i.e. "procuring" him for Regina. No one has ever talked about where