Also, if I wanted to READ something with words and shit, I'd pick up a copy of FHM! Amirite?
Also, if I wanted to READ something with words and shit, I'd pick up a copy of FHM! Amirite?
Strawman argument.
Not even close, sucker.
Goddammit to fucking shitass hell. Why, in-fucking-deed.
It wouldn't mean jack; what kind of a God would go through the effort to heal one committed atheist, while letting millions of his devoted followers - or hell, even just regular people - die of malnutrition, war, disease etc.? If God personally came down and healed Hitchens, that would make Him some kind of…
I agree. Reeves' default to blank, shuffling aimlessness works pretty well here for my reading of Arctor. I always saw him as pretty much exactly as Reeves get him: a burnout who doesn't realize he's a burnout. The only jarring scene for me was the flashback to him hitting his head on the cabinet drawer.
Arg, beat me to it.
Fuuuu -
Seriously? It's not bad enough movies have to "re-imagine" everything and make it Gritty and Cool, now I have to deal with that shit in fucking comics too?
BULLSHIT! You ain't afraid of no man!
Well, I was hoping for some reasoned engagement with my points, but I'll settle for knee jerk snark and dismissive sarcasm.
Well, I say that to your Moms about 3 times a week.
I'll tell you why it matters. When you have a project called AVC Undercover to get interesting bands covering interesting songs, and all bands and songs are done by white people, that's why it matters. Like I said man, I love the Stones and all, but seriously? No Hendrix, no Prince, no Bad Brains, no Santana covers?
I'd also like to point out that the persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses, specifically as religious minorities (persecution including beatings and killings) was carried out in Good Ole God Blessed Christian Nation USA until the 1940s.
Did we watch the same trailer? The one I saw had non-stop fightin + 'spolsions. If by "joyless," you mean BALLS OUT AWESOME!!! Fuck yeah!
Let's put it this way - all the titties in the world will not get me to play Evony.
The Question is…
…is this as bad as, or worse than, basing a movie off a goddam Twitter feed. Fuck, that angries up the blood.
Well, I think this has all the information you need about Evony. Illuminating stuff.