Walternate White

I see your point about themes, but how are they going to get around the 3 years ago fact? Finding anything of her body that resembles Michelle Fairley at this point seems way too unrealistic, even for a show about ice zombies and dragons.

It was Dondarrian that brought her back to life though, ending his own resurrection powers in the process. We know he hasn't done it yet now that we've seen him alive. Wouldn't Catelyn's corpse be too far gone for him to do it from now?

Believing that aliens brought humans to earth, stacked them on volcanoes, and detonated them with hydrogen bombs millions of years ago is a lot weirder than believing in virgin birth.

Believing that aliens brought humans to earth, stacked them on volcanoes, and detonated them with hydrogen bombs millions of years ago is a lot weirder than believing in virgin birth.

I totally thought they were going the zombie baby route until it started crying.

I totally thought they were going the zombie baby route until it started crying.

Isn't the mother's life also in danger with complications during birth?

Isn't the mother's life also in danger with complications during birth?

I could've sworn it was Rick, but Carl makes sense. Come on Maggie…

I could've sworn it was Rick, but Carl makes sense. Come on Maggie…

What did Lori say to Maggie before she died? Something like "When this is over you have to… It can't be Rick!" Did I miss something?

What did Lori say to Maggie before she died? Something like "When this is over you have to… It can't be Rick!" Did I miss something?

I loved his "That's a huge bitch!" outbursts.

I figured Rick was just using the rifle sight to get a better look. I agree with your other points though. Also how did Dale standing on an RV with a pair of binoculars not see a herd of zombies coming sooner?