
The original Mission: Impossible series was great. The movies are horrible. If you go watch these movies, then you are a bad person.

I fail to see how the Mission Impossible films can be seen as anything other than the soulless action flicks with Mission Impossible branding. They bear no relation to the original series beyond the theme song, people disguised in impossibly accurate masks, and the general topic of spycraft.

"And I was really … I was alive."

Good points. I especially like the "lucky numbers" plan and how it hooks into Walt's gambling problem cover story.

I don't like the GPS code "hidden" in the lottery ticket numbers. Who keeps a losing lottery ticket? Isn't Walt, as a scientific type, rather unlikely to play something that's basically a tax on the mathematically challenged? Sticks out like a sore thumb. Plus paper yellows and those heat-activated receipts don't

In this episode, it seems to me that there's a certain aspect of Lindsay that, despite her good intentions, is rather destructive.

Macklemore, Lewis, and friends may be having fun, but they're also being quite serious. I think that Madrigal completely misses the boat by projecting a layer of irony onto the song that doesn't exist.

I only got around to watching "Freaks & Geeks" this past year. I loved it, but I couldn't watch the finale. I didn't want the show to be over. (It's like Commander Adama and "Searider Falcon," I guess.)

Thanks for the clarification!

@avclub-6d8e5be200a835beb77d899f00b890a5:disqus His plan to start a war didn't succeed, I suppose, but what was depressing me was your comment that "it's a lot less implausible for a crazy admiral to build a superweapon off the books than it was when that trope first started to be used." He did succeed in building

I'm with you. Transwarp teleportation pretty much smashes open a hornets' nest of hypothetical questions.

Just want to add one more …

Ugh. I think that you're all too right, David. Thinking about all this is literally making my stomach turn a little.

It's really hard to straighten out the bare facts of the plot, but I didn't get the impression that Marcus was playing Khan. If I follow the exposition, Khan only worked for Marcus because Marcus had leverage in the form of Khan's frozen crew. Khan tries to smuggle his crew out in torpedoes, but Marcus finds this out.

(1) What is the purpose of hiding a ship underwater? It's perfectly hidden in space. You have transporter beams and shuttles. (I'm also reminded of Futurama: "How many atmospheres of pressure can the ship withstand?" "Well, it's a spaceship, so anywhere between zero and one.") How did they manage to hide that ship

Let's forget, for a moment, that this list has newcomers in mind. What might be a top 10 list of the most representative episodes of Star Trek?

Let's forget, for a moment, that this list has newcomers in mind. What might be a top 10 list of the most representative episodes of Star Trek?

When I watched the Firefly pilot, I thought that I had somehow made a mistake, missed the pilot, and was watching the second episode. Where is the girl in the box that they showed in the previews? Oh, she's out of it already. Huh. So much for getting on board from the beginning.

When I watched the Firefly pilot, I thought that I had somehow made a mistake, missed the pilot, and was watching the second episode. Where is the girl in the box that they showed in the previews? Oh, she's out of it already. Huh. So much for getting on board from the beginning.