The Puggle Chewie

So, someone else probably said this but: I don't think Ivy Pepper grows up to be Poison Ivy. We assume that because the show is making a painfully obvious effort to make it seem like she does, and it's not a very good show, so we roll our eyes and sigh. But the show hasn't changed the name of any other character and

I would love it if they cast Adam West in a cameo

Man is the real monster.

Cobra is a British acronym for Cabinet Office Briefing Room A.

They looked like regular Beretta pistols but the sound effects and muzzle flashes were night-nights

Yeah, what did Hank and Dean do that weekend?  Dean presumably moped around as he usually does these days, but Hank has a sexy power suit begging to be used.

I think the Countess was the only one who got a power suit.  Everyone else had a distinctive outfit but no power.

Apple Mummy… and probably something terrible like Scotch and steak sauce.  Rusty's drinks are all obscene crimes against taste.

I'd put Christina Hendricks in the Dr Mrs role, and dye her hair.  Molotov is a bit skinnier, not as top-heavy.  Maybe Milla Jovovich?

I love that VB shows Scientology's teachings are apparently true, but the Church is still evil.

Just a thought: could Monarch and Rusty be full brothers, or half brothers who have the same mother, not father?

At first blush the Gospel writers seem to give Pilate almost a free pass, pointing out all the pressure he was under to condemn Jesus.  But Dante puts him at the absolute bottom pit of Hell, being constantly chewed up by one of Satan's beastly mouthes.  The lesson being, politicians who pander to the people and do

No, they'll all be Jar-Jar Binks.  "Meesa want Barabbas!"