
Not a comic reader but I have a feeling that the 'Saviours' that we have met so far are all outlying groups .. sort of like Hilltop would have been if they had been more enthusiastic / inventive about working for Negan. Basically the suburbs to a city.

That's my technique. I obviously haven't left the playground yet .. insult those you fancy.

I actually clapped. I do love a corrupted priest.

What has happened to that last 'Mountain Man' then, eh? Will he just disappear, never to be heard from again or will he reappear and cause havoc for Clarke (his seeming target) yet again?

There was that kid with glasses in the prison. The one who succumbed to the lurgy but he ate others, they didn't eat him.
That was pretty gruesome for a kid actor I thought at the time.

He lost it! I cheered … I bet they find it when doing the clean up :(

Green Wing (and to a lesser extent Campus) if you like The IT Crowd.
Father Ted
Bad Education
The Worst Week of my Life (original - I believe you guys made your own version and slaughtered it.)
Drop the Dead Donkey
Being Human (original UK version again)

There were 5 'The 100' actors on this episode.
Him, Sachin Sahel (Jackson), Chris Shields (Sgt Miller), a random Mountain man and the Band Aid Nose man played that creepy Gideon (now in the City of Light).
Same casting team??

The same actor played the Golem in Supernatural and the Tulpa in this.

Totally agree about The 100. The second season was epic. Can't wait for the new one.

That would be interesting! Carrie and Quinn living together but struggling as his health causes frustrations which he takes out on her. She buries herself in work / Otto as a consolation … shenanigans ensue!

My mother used to be a hairdresser as well and her go-to haircut when I was a kid was the bowl. It was the 70's / 80's though.