Lars von Troll

Oh man, what an episode. I've been expecting folk to drop like flies this season, but I still was not prepared for tonight. And to kill off my two favorite characters in one episode was a double whammy for me. RIP Van Alden and Chalky.

I wonder how confusing that got on set for the first couple of years. You'd call for Michael and a dozen dudes would surround you.

Van Alden, Sigrid, and (guest star) Eli need their own half-hour sitcom spinoff.

This episode bored me to tears. If it weren't for Michael Shannon dressing up in drag to play Fern's mother, I probably would have fallen asleep.

Your move, Boardwalk Empire

Everyone needs to relax. The director is the same guy who directed Justin Bieber's Never Say Never movie. It'll all turn out just fine.

Peter Sarsgaard is criminally underrated. He's always great.

Can we stop casting Channing Taters and Mila Kutcher in things please? Both are atrocious actors.

I've seen Her, and can tell you that Johansson does actually turn into a giant robot. A giant sexy robot with laser titties.

THANK YOU! Everyone knows you shoot up heroin to trip-hop. Kids these days have no appreciation of proper drug utilization.