
No one's accusing him of lying. Lowery states in his original post "I am also paid a seperate royalty for being the performer of the song. It’s higher but also what I would regard as unsustainable." He specifically chose to leave out these other details, like the performance royalty. One might assume he did so because

At this tragic time, let's remember all the pleasure he brought us in his life as a comedian, and all the pleasure he brought to Brazilian prostitutes as Dr. Dildo:

Thanks for posting. Some of the authors' complaints at the time cast aspersions on the people running Hard Case, but looking at more recent posts on the topic, it sounds like the management of Dorchester has been the bastards throughout all of this (and are still weaseling around with their authors).

not helping
Oh great, someone who clearly knows little about the actual situation in Japan helping to spread groundless radiation paranoia. Irresponsible & disgraceful.

correct is the new wrong

"an allegorical text so dense"
I don't think "allegorical" means "full of explicit references to things".

the slug attached itself to the base of his spine
With all the Bond you've been reading for this column - and all the middling political intrigue dressed up as sci-fi - I can't wait for your take on Puppet Masters.

another is-she-a-real-actor-or-just-some-person-they-found-in-the-parking-lot? actor
Susan "Sunshine" Brule is played by singer Rae "Sunshine" Lee. Much like David Liebe Hart, she appears to be a borderline-unknown entertainer.

"No indication as to whether she told anyone, spread the vine everywhere and caused the end of the world, or what. "
I was TREMENDOUSLY disappointed that there was no "three months later" scene at the very end, of, perhaps, Mexico City's streets completely empty of people and animals, with the buildings and vehicles

The Incumbent
Two thoughts on the Soul Coughing track-