
Being the complete geek I am, I instantly watched this episode with commentary right after I was done watching it the first time. And the thing I found most interesting is that the two writers definitely said, in relation to the flashforwards/backs, "These are some moments that we will see. The rest of the

Midsummer Night's Dream
I don't quite know what the connection was, but that final kiss reminded me of young lovers lost in the forests surrounding Athens.

But with the breaking of the fourth wall in the second act, *spoilers no one really cares about* the death of the narrator and the direct sing finale it all seems like it would be so hokey on screen. Not to mention the end of the first act. Unless Burton is daring enough to put an intermission in his film it would all

Into the Woods and Burton
Noel, I love Tim Burton as much as the next culturally aware teenager. And Into the Woods is one of my top four musicals. So trust me when I say I'm no hack on this subject. But don't you think Into the Woods would suffer on the screen. It seems like it was written for the stage and that a

I agree that Turpin's Johanna is pretty amazing, and it is very creepy. But it always seemed redundant to me. Pretty Women pretty much covers the same stuff and it does it a little more obliquely.

Love all around
Sondheim and Buffy on one blog post, this is why I read the A.V. Club :)

I was kissing the TV.

The Theatre nerd squeals
Thank you so much for interviewing Mr. Mendes. His impact on the theatre world is has been vast in the past couple years. In your intro you forgot to mention his radically different version of Gypsy starring Bernadette Peters.

Cell Phones and Such
It's interesting that you mentioned the lack of cell phones. On NPR a little while ago they were doing an interview with Marti Noxon and a novelist, I can't remember their name or gender, about how technology is changing story telling. They talked to Noxon a lot about Buffy and the different

Dead Amber
Made the entire episode for me. Let's hope they don't fuck up a good idea.

Maybe the Asian girl that helps Topher. There's a blank slate (sorry) that could be used.