Esteban Juarez

I watched Bicentennial Man this weekend. It's horrible. Barely even enjoyable on an ironic level, but Jay Johnston plays the man to whom Robin Williams' love interested is already engaged. He doesn't have any lines, as he is just seen from a far as Robin Williams' robot character watches jealously from afar. I

Quantum Leap
Was Doug's blue glow and time travel a Sam Beckett homage?

Wasn't Banana Cop a reference to Raffi's Bananaphone? Is that the same song as Mahna Mahna? Oddly enough this debate came up with a friend yesterday, even before the episode aired. Well, the second part…the first part would be impossible.

I was definitely getting some Faraday vibes in this episode. Also, that scene at the end with Walter and Olivia was kind of wierd. She appears right when Pacey leaves, and she exits right before he returns. Could that have been a different dimension's Olivia? Just seemed wierd.

This does look awesome. The trailer combined with Arcade Fire gave me chills. But I'm also with Evil Jack, that I hope some they don't lose the tone in trying to make it more accessible for kids. I'd be cool if it had a similar tone to Pan's Labyrinth.