Killface Chippendale

Nothing weird about being obsessed with The Lost Boys. I've been obsessed for almost thirty years.

I'll see your Beach Party and raise you a Horror of Party Beach.

Funny when that happens. The Cars were the same way.

Complete B-Sides might just be my favorite Pixies release, showcasing their bizarro tendencies throughout their career with nary a miss in the bunch. Fantastic road trip music.

If you were five years old in '88, Young Einstein was a huge deal. Especially the scene with the kitten pie.

My white whale is a David Duchovny clip in which he performs on a game show called You Think You're Better than Me?, basically a white trash Jeopardy!. I'm sure I've got it buried on an ancient VHS somewhere.

It's an outcome of this election cycle, that she was the beneficiary of an obviously skewed campaign against someone who, in a fair fight, would have won in a landslide. The people who were cool with either Hillary or Bernie can't fathom why so many people refuse to get on board with her now.

Savage went on a relentless anti-Berner tirade on his Facebook page for weeks after Bernie lost in California, spearheading the tactical shift from being ambivalent about Hillary to being downright hostile toward anyone even mildly critical of her. After admiring him for years, it's the move that finally turned me off.

Best thing you've ever written. Bravo.

Ditto the old Gein place. (Eh, burned, torn down, same thing.)

Yep, Solondz is the shit.

Anyway, Gary Heidnik's house is the one you really want.

And its construction is so simple, really; it's just a study in dynamics, of ever-building intensity that reaches a peerless crescendo. But god—the melody, the lyrics, and the atmosphere are simply divine, and the playing throughout is so wonderfully tasteful, just delectable. The band at their absolute peak. When I

Ah, yes. This and "Flim" show Richard at his most heartfelt. Gawd, what a choon.

"(It's) almost inane enough to pass for crazy, and it looks like a druggy concoction of German expressionism and midnight MTV."

Who doesn't?

I smell like the Forties.

Oh, I remember that Unsolved Mysteries well.

Now, I'm sure both of you know a great deal about monsters, but that's not the issue here. The issue is, science is real. Monsters…are not.

I've still got the Halloween 1991 issue of Disney Adventures, in which they list the greatest monsters the world over. I'm pretty sure they just straight up made up one of them, the Nzangamuyo, a gigantic creature that took eight days to pass you by. Damn thing lit up my imagination when I was eight, and now I can