Juror nr.3

Nuke it from orbit-  it's the only way to be sure.

I was not dismissing Michelle Williams, and I certainly didn't say or even imply that only people I have heard of are worthy reading about. You obviously adore Michelle Williams. Good for you. The only statement I made was that I had not heard of her. Or remembered hearing of her. Or possibly have heard

HipsterDBag - in that getup you would obviously be mocking African Americans. A fashion shoot involving braided hair and feathers is hardly of the same caliber. What exactly is the insult?

It is possible to have seen those without remembering her name or even her performance(s), you know.

I had no idea who she was either.
But for fuck's sake - why would anyone be insulted by this image? Even if it was meant as portraying her as Native American? Why would that be a Bad Thing? Could someone explain that to me? I obviously don't have the finetuned ethnic insult radar required.

Yeah, I would have no beef with that.

You should definately go back and watch all of the Untuckeds of this season - the editing has been elevated to a High Art!

After critisizing Jinkx two episodes ago that all she did was "make it funny", as if that's easy. Seems she took a page out of Miss Monsoon's book after that.

" I didn't know "Rock Hudson toward the End" was making a comeback. "

Yeah…maybe not your forte, darling.

Hell to the yes! I'm becoming Team Alyssa more and more with each episode.
And that mouth. It's mesmerizing.

I want a pet Leslie Jordan.

Funny as hell at the roast and dressed immaculately - she should have won!
Coco was funny but looked like she had 20 bucks and 15 minutes to spend on her outfit.
Plus I am so relieved RoLaskaTox is over! Good on Alaska for breaking free from those two keeping her back.

Fred. Which is just about 7% funnier.

Of all the Róisín Murphy/Moloko tracks to dance to, this is the one you choose?
To each his own and all that, but I can think of at least 10 that are more danceable.

You forgot the most important show of all - Snatch Game!


I like the tache. I like it because otherwise he would just be a jock with a bod like there are so fucking many. I like it because it goes against what is supposed to be hot nowadays.
And, just for your info, there are ARMIES of gay men who wear taches unironically.

Hahahahahaaaa….and then in that butter-wouldn't-melt baby voice too!