Juror nr.3

Thanks for pinpointing exactly when that happened. LaToya's read of the Pointer Sisters was the first thing I thought of when Ru announced the guest judges. There is no way in hell that was Ru accidently putting them together, bitch was hoping for some celeb shade throwing.

Who cares about subtlety when the whole journey is so fucking enjoyable?

Hm. OK then. I think we can allow that.

Face it: Miss Michelle Does Not Get Jinkx Monsoon's Vibe. She will never appreciate her. To her she's just of of the 'kooky' queens.

No kidding. I have NEVAH cried at one of those schmaltzy video segments but this one had me crying actual bona fide tears. A sudden dose of heartfelt pain, regrets, family ties, rejection, love, acceptance as authentic as the queens' lashes are false.
That was good TV.

There was an Ivy personality? Oh then it must have flashed on the screen when I blinked or something.

I'm gagging, and not in a good way.

Well, Pandora Boxx does a weekly recap, which is amusing. But she's never as bitchy as you would like her to be.

Wow. I couldn't have been more accurate with my grade. For me, this was by far the most enjoyable episode this season.

I won't see this episode until a few hours time, and I haven't read the review yet but I just gave it an 'A', regardless.
Sorry 'bout it.

The only one I heard talk about Queen Latifah was Willam, who called her Best Dressed Male at the Oscars.

I stand corrected - was reading too fast. My rupaullogies!

Best? Not even close.
Jinxie turned it out and Alaska was fun, but the rest was appallingly boring.

They should be doing the Snatch Game AS Drew Barrymore AS Little Edie - but that would probably be one culture step too far for these queens.

Next week's preview:
Nina: "You are bad, bad, BAD!"
Heidi, gleefully: "You just got yelled at by Nina!"

If she's isolating either the top or bottom half, how come she always places the card above her eyes? You can't isolate the top half by doing that.
Nina is covering the glare from the studio lights.

I'd be happy to get stuck under Dean Norris' dome anytime.

Oh thank gawd I'm not the only one. I've got 'Hot Couture' by Manila Luzon and 'Worqin Girl' by Shangela, as well as 'Peanut Butter' on repeat here.

Are you also going to adopt 35 babies?

Vivviene, Lynesha, Ivy, Honey - get the fuck out.
Jade, Alyssa, Coco, Jinkx next.
Final three: Rolaskatox.