Juror nr.3

No way. Mariah had tons more personality and fireceness. Bitch burned the runway.

I must've been the only one going "Nooooo!" internally when the couple hooking up turned out to be Detox and Roxxxy? I like them both but somehow this feels wrong. I feel it might be causing some obnoxious moments in future episodes. It could also cause some unfair moments as they would always choose eachother over

Best moment: the awkward real-and-then-air-kiss between Heidi and Tim! I would watch that on a loop.

Mike, I now see my first post was pretty much just a knee-jerk reaction. "A 'B' for one of my favourite films ever? How very dare you?". I forgot that a review is, in the end, just one person's view/opinion. There should be room for that. And you actually also made some valid points.

A 'B'? A goddamn 'B'?
You're either too young to review this film or you are giving it a 'B' out of hipster jadedness.

Oh #NoSheBetterDont!

Agreed - I was not feeling any love for Kristen Johnston. And what was that with interrupting Ru with "Thank God!" when she said her usual "I've made my decision"? That just came across as rude.

Ugh. I don't want to think of Santino in ANY sexual context - straight, gay or bi.

BTW - has Ru ever looked better than during the runway judging? Maybe they just got a more talented lighting designer but she looked absolutely flawless!

A propos of nothing: Shangela is turning it out in her music video 'Werqin' Girl' - girl has been learning and improving big time!

The whole album 'PG-13' is awesome. Much higher production values than any songs by any other previous contestants. Sharon put thought and effort into it - she's in it for the long haul.

I find Roxxxy totally boring in drag - but I think he's hot as a boy. I've never liked any of the contestants out of drag but he's just super cute.

Jade Jolie's oh-gosh-cutesy-pie-ness is going to wear real thin real soon. That continuous girly cackle grates like hell already. And she's just too fishy to be interesting.

Did he just copy and paste his comment from last season? Sounds like the same nonsense word for word.

I guess this would be the moment to ask: why was Project Runway All Stars 2 not reviewed? An unfortunate decision because it actually turned out to be one of the best seasons ever with some Actual Beautiful Clothes, engaging challenges, good cast and Joanna Coales being supportive, sympathetic and inspirational to the

You've never heard a gay Jewish man's voice before? How have you managed to live your life without ever hearing Harvey Fierstein??

Tatiana appeared on All Stars in a video doing a segment called "The T with Tati" in which she just read all the contestants for filth - in her typical humorless, nasty way. The eye-rolling in the Interior Illusions lounge was off the charts. I think it was meant as funny but it completely backfired because everyone

'The Company of Wolves' is definately dated now, and time has not been kind to some of the sequences. But it still holds a dark, alluring spell - once seen it's never forgotten. It's mostly about sex but there is plenty of creepiness and wonder to enjoy.
Plus the soundtrack is just awesome.

I don't see why the article concludes that 'all about the ladies' = no man ass. I'd say the chance of man ass has at least tripled. All these powerful glamorous ladies must have hordes of lovers, no?
Fret not, my friends, man ass WILL be displayed!

Uh-uh-uh! You didn't say the magic word!