Juror nr.3

Plenty of good stuff in Alien Resurrection:
- Ripley's ambiguous character
- Brad Dourif doing his thing
- Ron Perlman bad-assery
- Deformed clones
- Dan Hedeya's ultra-hairy shoulders
- Ripley writhing with a shitload of slimy aliens
- Purvis killing Wren by holding his head against the alien bursting out of his chest
- The

I dunno, I'm just here for the man-ass.

The score to both 'Candyman' 1 & 2 is available on CD and probably iTunes or whatever.
As for Glass 'not doing any more horror scores', he's done at least three since 'Candyman', not even counting his score for the 1931 version of 'Dracula'.

Did I miss an episode in which Raj was given a gay little dog? That scene where he told the dog to stop licking its ass just seemed to appear out of nowhere.

Couldn't agree more. I'm puzzled by the rave reviews. It's a blatant rip-off of about 10 other (superior) movies. The time travel element shows nothing that hadn't been tried before. The story's logic collapses about 15 minutes into the runtime and after that it just gets truly silly.
Wanted to like it. Really didn't.

Couldn't agree more. I'm puzzled by the rave reviews. It's a blatant rip-off of about 10 other (superior) movies. The time travel element shows nothing that hadn't been tried before. The story's logic collapses about 15 minutes into the runtime and after that it just gets truly silly.
Wanted to like it. Really didn't.

If it had been Sharon, she would have served up an actual black canary. Dressed as Bette Davis in 'Whatever Happened to Baby Jane'.

If it had been Sharon, she would have served up an actual black canary. Dressed as Bette Davis in 'Whatever Happened to Baby Jane'.

Why are there children on a drag cruise?

Why are there children on a drag cruise?

Regarding Chad's bitchiness: she was less than flattering about Sharon in one of this season's Untucked. Very disappointing.
Still, I'm OK with her win. I think she got it partly for her seniority and that damn professionalism she keeps hammering on about.

Regarding Chad's bitchiness: she was less than flattering about Sharon in one of this season's Untucked. Very disappointing.
Still, I'm OK with her win. I think she got it partly for her seniority and that damn professionalism she keeps hammering on about.

Ongina: I'm tryin! There's traffique!
Bitch is funny.

Ongina: I'm tryin! There's traffique!
Bitch is funny.

'Victor' doesn't mean what you think it means in gay sex jargon.

'Victor' doesn't mean what you think it means in gay sex jargon.

One day I will find my own Isaak Sirko and we will make wild, passionate, homosexual love six days a week. Sundays are for gangster stuff.

One day I will find my own Isaak Sirko and we will make wild, passionate, homosexual love six days a week. Sundays are for gangster stuff.

Your arrogant presumption couldn't be barking up a less appropriate tree if it tried.

Your arrogant presumption couldn't be barking up a less appropriate tree if it tried.