
How overpaid actors become overpaid
Step 1: "We've already sunk a lot of money into preproduction on this God-awful piece of shit, and now we realize nobody wants to see God-awful pieces of shit anymore."

Robin Williams
I feel like, in theory, there's an earth-shattering role for Robin Williams that would just blow everybody's mind.

People who think Thomas Kinkade paintings are an investment do not deserve to have money.

Why was killing Gale Walt's leverage?
I've been hard on "Breaking Bad" lately because it hasn't been standing up to logic. The finale, unfortunately, continued in that vein.

Roman's integrity
Roman's tragedy is that he's an awful writer. He is one of those sci-fi fans who goes to the Star Trek convention and asks a bunch of questions about how the antimatter propulsion system works.


I've posted the last couple of weeks about my doubts regarding Walt's purported value to Gus. There was some mention in earlier seasons about Walt's blue meth having uncommon chemical purity or superlative crystal structure.

I'm not buying this
I'm losing faith that Vince Gilligan and the writers have a coherent plan for where this is going, and how to get there. I'm beginning to doubt that Gus's toleration of or indifference to Walt's various issues can be explained by a set of cogent motives.

The whole point of Gale was to establish that Walt isn't the only one who could run the lab. If Gus is half as smart as we assume he is, he certainly saw through Walt's machinations to discredit Gale.

Well, that's the street value ($40k per pound, 200 pounds a week). Presumably, that includes the markup for street dealers and at least one level of intermediate dealers. And Gus's operation probably has a number of well-compensated people who are on his off-the-books payroll, and he has the costs of maintaining the

Also, forgot to mention, Gus's admonition against doing the same thing twice contrast's Jesse's idea about Georgia O'Keefe painting the door over and over until she got it perfect.

Gus Fring
If this guy was an all-seeing, all knowing mastermind, then Walt's machinations related to getting rid of Gale should have been transparent to him.

Everyone should do this
Get your shit right now, and post a video of yourself on YouTube doing a Patton Oswalt bit.

This sounds horrible.
If "Prince of Persia" underperforms, I doubt any of these other video game properties will ever get made.

I don't really understand why Richard survived last week.

Do you think Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelhof are privy to the Truth of All Things, that you and I don't know? The answer to the big Lost question of "what the hell is going on?" was "nobody knows," which feels more fundamentally correct than any other possible explanation I can imagine.


Incidentally, the question of whether to not push the button to see what happens is analogous to the question of whether to detonate Jughead to see what happens is analogous to the question of whether to turn out the light to see what happens.


I just want to be the first to say that I totally called it last week
I knew from the beginning this "alternate timeline" was something shifty. The island as purgatory was one of the first popular explanations for Lost's weirdness. I am really surprised they went in that direction, but they kind of ran out of other