Dread Ninja Roberts

I got to be in one of their videos and they were both that wonderful in person.

There were armed security guards there, how did they do against the yakuza?

Excuse me, I'll be in my bunk.

People would fess up to what they post here in real life? What a concept.

Oh yeah. I remember a kid coming through my college's chemistry program at about 12 years old. He was a disaster waiting to happen though.

I worked at JPL for a little while, which technically made me a CalTech employee. The CalTech students definitely had that reputation, but the ones I actually interacted with were fine.

My advisor in graduate school had his PhD and professorship at a big university 7 years after he graduated from high school. I was his first grad student and it didn't dawn on me at first that he was only 4 years older than I was.

Funny, I thought it was one of the worst.

I know someone with a small part in this and she filmed it back in June 2012.

Was it the "Bastard Sons of Castle Black" one? I picked mine up at the Comikaze expo in LA last year.

He was still alive,

She was certainly hot.

That line is on the shirt I wore tonight for this episode.

My impression was that they were going to leave the rest of the battle as a cliff-hanger for next season. There is some pretty important stuff at Kings Landing to fit in next week.

That didn't particularly bother me when I watched the show (I stuck with it through the first season), since I figured it was following a group of friends and such groups are often less diverse than the place they live in general. If they'd continued to add characters without reflecting the diversity of the city

Agreed. I consider her looks "average" for a real human, And it sucks because people online act like she is some kind of hideous troll, and that isn't the case. But many people online are total assholes.

I hate Girls not because of Lena Dunham's average to unattractive looks, but because of the whiny, entitled, obnoxious character she plays.

Time warp.

Those are not PILLOWS!

I actually have a tiny tiny part in one of the segments for the third one, and based on what I saw on one night of shooting and a partial script, the one segment at least definitely looks interesting.