Dread Ninja Roberts

For sure. Raylan indirectly brought down the whole organization by helping Sammy kill Nicky.

Boooo! (tOSU graduate degree here).

Or maybe a big "Whammy!" after he and Raylan shot Elvis.

And drinking from a fountain, I suppose?

The money in question comes from the ads placed on the sites which do generate real money. Nobody is trying to shut down all lyric sites. 50% of them already pay, the freeloading half should too.

It also became a big thing back in those pre-internet days. Enough so that they rerecorded the theme in the last season or two to make it much clearer. When you listen to those it is more clear what they were singing, but in the earlier seasons, not so much.

I first heard the phrase in the early-mid 80's when I was in grad school and it was used by a woman who had done her undergrad degree at Oberlin and was 100% liberal. It was a couple of years later that conservatives started using it as a serious attack on liberals.

I spent a week once digging out one of the back plates of a Stegosaurus in Colorado. That cured me of any desire for field paleontology. I did my research on diatoms and it's a whole lot less boring finding things in a microscope slide compared to having to dig them out of rock.

I liked the original version of the song until this cover came out. I agree that the original just does not sound "right" any more. I love the mood of Donnie Darko more than I love the actual film.

It gets more like the first one at the end, which bothered me. There were more new jokes earlier in the film and then it seemed like they decided they needed to cram in recycled material from the first one (the gang fight, Baxter saving Ron from a dangerous animal) and then it just stops.

It's a running joke in my house how often Sister Act 2 is on the air. My wife was in one of the choirs and she still gets residual checks that give a breakdown of its plays every quarter. It is insane how often such a truly crappy movie can get shown all over the world.

Funny, the first time I saw the Go-Go's back in '79 or '80, they were the opening band for X. This was at the Starwood and Jose Cotton was in the band at the time and they finished with "Johnny are you Queer".

I remember an interview here with one of the people from the show and they mentioned that they were going to keep Dewey around, so he should make it through the season at least.

Yeah, Alicia said she's playing a lawyer and a member of the Crowe family. This show had pretty much my favorite cast even before she was added to it.

I think it is the best comedy on TV, so yeah, you should certainly check it out again.

Wedded to the core cast from season 1? Are you forgetting about the characters of Lori, Shane, Dale, T-Dog, Merle, Andrea and her sister?

As if it will matter. The same people will keep bitching no matter what the show does.

I was yelling at Michonne to hack off his arms if she was going to leave him there for the zombies. Or at least put out his other eye, so that even if someone did rescue him, he was done.

It wasn't just that the print was low. They also showed Rick comparing it to the size of his hand to show that the print was small.

He killed me with a sword, Mal. He killed me with a sword.