Dread Ninja Roberts

I was trying to remember if she had asked Dexter about Doakes and I'd just forgotten about it.    Since she knows that Dexter is the Bay Harbor Butcher, she'd certainly want to know how Dexter was involved in Doakes' death.

I was trying to remember if she had asked Dexter about Doakes and I'd just forgotten about it.    Since she knows that Dexter is the Bay Harbor Butcher, she'd certainly want to know how Dexter was involved in Doakes' death.

You know hearing that this movie was being released made me happy.   Because it made me realize there is no Saw movie out this year.

You know hearing that this movie was being released made me happy.   Because it made me realize there is no Saw movie out this year.

20 quatloos on Clutchington

20 quatloos on Clutchington

She could very easily fall asleep due to it though.

She could very easily fall asleep due to it though.

Because it is more about a fond memory than any awkwardness?

Because it is more about a fond memory than any awkwardness?

Back whenI wsa in high school I read somewhere that the original lyric was "knowing she would" and that it was judged a bit to sexy by the record company so John changed it to "Norwegian wood".

Back whenI wsa in high school I read somewhere that the original lyric was "knowing she would" and that it was judged a bit to sexy by the record company so John changed it to "Norwegian wood".

I hate to think of the damage I did to my poor teenaged daughters by taking them to see Watchmen when it came out.    My wife still nags me about the giant blue junk on display.

I hate to think of the damage I did to my poor teenaged daughters by taking them to see Watchmen when it came out.    My wife still nags me about the giant blue junk on display.

I couldn't help but to start to wonder about the logistics of that deal.   Who has the money and how do they decide who to give it to?   What if it isn't clear who killed Pope?    Can they just decide to keep the money?

I couldn't help but to start to wonder about the logistics of that deal.   Who has the money and how do they decide who to give it to?   What if it isn't clear who killed Pope?    Can they just decide to keep the money?

I assumed that the blonde wasn't his wife.

I assumed that the blonde wasn't his wife.

As Futurama-y a concept too.

As Futurama-y a concept too.