
I wasn't going to admit it, but I totally noticed that. I check every week to see if it's ever different, and today was finally the day.

Jack doing LeBron's chalk routine would have instantly become my favorite moment of the entire series.

When I see a movie title running across the top of a commercial, it always makes me think it's a direct-to-DVD movie. Although that may be partly due to the fact that a lot of the movies with the title banner also feature Ashton Kutcher.

Greg, I totally agree with your last point. My girlfriend likes the man in black's straightforward approach. And he is straightforward . . . about killing you if you don't do what he wants.

I'm sorry, but this game looks laughably bad and I'm not at all surprised to see it get a low score. Personally, I don't see how anyone can get excited for yet another FPS where you kill aliens/mutants/monsters. Compared to a game like Bioshock, I don't see how the atmosphere can compare at all, especially when you

I would definitely subscribe to Boot & French Horn Magazine.

I was introduced to Girls Aloud via IMF on Dish Network a few years ago. If the people who assembled the Pussycat Dolls had succeeded instead of failing (as they obviously did), the result would be Girls Aloud.

Also, if going shopping with your girlfriend is the only way you're going to see her naked, you need to find a new girlfriend.

God, I hope you're right about that media trend.

"Quality shots!"

I think your math is a little off. Pursuit of Happyness was 0/4ths of a good movie.

Also, Collinsworth is not on FOX, he's on NBC's Sunday Night Football. And overall, he's easily the best color guy around.

Seriously, though. I actually liked 'Desperate Youths, Bloodthirsty Babes', but Dear Science was not good at all.

Are we debating which one sucked less? If so, my vote would go to Cookie Mountain.

Lily Allen's new album was MUCH worse then her debut. The lyrics were pretty annoying, especially in the song about the guy who is racist/sexist/homophobic, etc.

Junior Boys' new album was extremely boring, and I LOVE 'So This Is Goodbye'. Also, how can you rank Amanda Blank above Mos Def. Listening to mindless, fun music is completely fine, but having some thought behind the music has to count for something. Also, I can't listen to Busdriver because like riding a Tilt-a-Whirl

I agree. There were maybe three songs on this album that I can even remember, so to have them at #1 and leave something like Fever Ray off leaves me rather confused.

I thought it was no big deal that The Kinfe's Silent Shout wasn't on the Best Electronic list, because I was positive that it would make the big list (in fact, I would have been mad to see it only make the Best Electronic list). It should definitely be in the Top 10 of the decade, and it's in my Top 5.

If you're still treating Girl Talk as a grab bag of recognizable song snippets, I would argue that you haven't listened to it enough. On the first few listens, you can't help but to try to identify everything, but by the 5th or 6th time through, it really starts to take on a life of its own and become something new.

I'm hoping Los Angeles shows up on a different list. It blurs enough different lines that I could even see it showing up on some sort of hip hop list, since it's almost like an instrumental version of that genre. Great album no matter how you classify it.