Lloyd Dobler

I actually knew David Schultz in college. He wasn't fat then, but he did still the Chris Farley routine all the time. It wasn't funny then either.

As someone who recently spent his anniversary in Gatlinburg—yeah, I make bad decisions—and it's ripe for its own sitcom. It's Hillbilly Disney World.

The girl from Karmin graduated from the Jim Carrey School of Stage Presence. We get it; you're cute and quirky!

Science? The verdict is still out on "science".

Take it as you will.
AMC just picked up 'The Killing' for a second season.

I can personally attest that Ben Shapiro is a perfectly nice young man.

More celebrities!
This will be the best episode of 'Will and Grace' ever!

I wish she's have killed off Deep House Dish instead. I know it wasn't hers, but somebody needs to be a hero and kill it.

Good. I was hoping that this movie would include more pseudo-sexy baby talk.

Dear TV executives,

If Ashley Judd has anything to apologize for, it's her filmography.

Walk and talk
'30 Rock' has a tendency to rely on guest stars who end up being less funny than the under-utilized cast members. That said, the Aaron Sorkin bit was amazing. Sure, I'm a Sorkin fanboy, but it was one of the best moments of this lukewarm season.

Oh great
I work for a major newspaper. First, we had to compete with the Arianna Huffington. Then, we had to compete with our own general irrelevance. Now we have to compete with Radiohead. Thanks for nothing, Thom.

I agree about Kevin Tighe.

Quick question, though: Was there blood on the floor?

Who put their finger in MY peanut butter?
Can Obama please pass a law that will force Puck to be in every season of 'The Real World'?

What's so special about a relatively small horse? Does it do anything?

I'm pretty sure you're joking, but I would buy every one of those things.

Bunch of Snake Holes
I hope those bitches at the library don't get their skanky hands on it.

Whoa whoa whoa. I never said they were dead the entire time. In fact, I'm shocked at the stupidity of people who actually believe that.