
Totally agree! I was very frustrated with a lot of this season but this episode pulled me back in. The purge was foreshadowed.

Don't forget about Dany in your assessment of Stannis' claim to the Iron Throne, Todd. The scenes with Robert and Ned in the first season drive home just how big of a threat she is to his claim, and what makes Stannis' self-righteousness so grating.

Janos Slynt is under Cersei's thumb, there's no doubt she ordered those killings. Seeing Tyrion's chess-like approach to being the Hand is going to be so very satisfying.

Myrcella looks so old too!

Given the events of ADwD I'm not sure if the Reeds are even needed. Feel like GRRM is keeping them around in case he needs to explain a certain character's patronage, but now that Bran has super blood tree temporal vision they might not be needed at all.

Indeed. The court was full of shit eating grins as Joffrey nearly drowned Dontos is wine. Scum all around.

I thought Taylor did a fantastic job of using the established visual language of King's Landing to full effect. The little sparrow scrubbing the blood from the fallen knight at Joffery's name day feast witnesses Cersei and Littlefinger's encounter for instane or the gold cloaks brutally murdering dark haired boys.

All three Lannisters got top billing!

Patchface would work so well on the screen. I'm hoping they will use him to full effect with Shirren's introduction.

The Ghost of Harrenhal and her three wishes.

Davos got my favourite line "What is the truth?"

Having Carice Van Houten use her strong Dutch accent worked so well to add to her other-worldy mystique, she is so unlike anyone we've encountered.

I used to love Fringe, but it's starting to feel like a chore this season.


Toronto as well.

S.A.N.D.E.R.S Mountain is the best rollercoaster.

It is known.

Cause Abed's going to get with Annie, that's why.

One joke about regionals too many.  However I do think I am in love with the mute tree.

Robin sitting alone in Central Park with a carton of Eggnog (no doubt with rum) was such a perfect character moment. Loved Colbie in this.