RicheyEdwardsandthe Cruisers

It's your move, Bret Easton Ellis.

Let's face it, Michelle looks like the most loveable tot in the world in comparison to Nicky and Alex of the Katsopolis clan.

I require a Zeke the Plumber shirt.

I'm still waiting for Fleischmanns to make a diet vodka.

Buddy's: You're Sitting In It

Don't make plans, Denny, they may not come out right.

The Trinity Season was super wonderful, but I thought that was season 3. My favorite season was probably the one with Jimmy Smits—I couldn't wait for the next episode. Cat-and-mouse is rarely that effective.

Easy answer for me: "Dexter." I loved the first three seasons … but then something happened and I started to feel anger towards the show. Couldn't even get through season 5.

Thank you A.V. Clubbers, the conversation in this forum is much more reasonable and measured than other corners of the internet frequented by Kim Jong Un's ravenous dogs.

Fair enough. I'll just hold him to the title of greatest athlete to attend the premiere of Captain EO.

I bet Ted is a Nigerian prince who is just looking for someone to share his fortune.

Isn't it still accurate that O.J. Simpson is one of the greatest athletes of all time?


I love the comedy of Patton Oswalt and I love when he takes companies
down on Twitter, but sometimes technical problems happen, right? Did
EPIX give a reason for the delay?


17-year-old me will sacrifice anything in the name of Albarn! We shall Battle Battle Battle Battle Battle….

This song takes me back to an awesome time in life… I haven't listened to it in years—thanks for the reminder, AV Club!

Wait, wait wait wait. Damon Albarn is Blur's "cute one." This is not up for argument. Alex James is Blur's "Douche-y Asshole One."

This Newswire should be nominated for some kind of award.

These grainy images of dirty clowns will haunt my nightmares for life.