
Rap is the most popular genre right now, but only a handful of rap albums make these lists. Yeezus was only a 4/10 album, btw.

Lorde is in no way shape or form attractive.

Do people at the Av club really hate Jay-z and Drake? I hope you realize they're more influential and make better music then whatever backpackerwhiteboywithonly10rappersonhisipod bullshit you listen to.

Why'd you put hip-hop in quotes there? You really wanna hear new rappers trying to imitate '90's boom bap 20 years later?

The original blog was only kinda funny like 2 years ago.

Also arguing about supposed punk cred is pathetic after age 16. Why are music snobs so joyless and lame?

Why do all you AV Clubbers mention the same universally praised indie acts in articles for dumb fun pop music artists? You can like Radiohead and Blink 182. It doesnt have to be one or the other.

That's so sad and gross. And what's worse was Ryan O'Neal would tell it like it was an amusing anecdote.

Dwayne Johnson is actually black though. No race changing needed.

Colombian Jessie is TOO handsome though.

They traded up.

Nobody asked or cares but this is one of my favorite JT.

That underwear scene was probably the most contrived and unnecessary underwear scene I've ever seen. As a male I did enjoy it though.

Suit & Tie was a huge hit. What the fuck?

This post is the most depressing thing I've read today.

Melissa Fumero looks better than both sooo….

Why are they doing a sequel 20 years after the fact?

Are you guys gonna make a Samberg hate post for every episode? No one cares.

I like Gina but Diaz really is a cop version of April Ludgate.

You sound really bitter and corny right now.