HotCarl vs Godzilla

I agree with the one who didn't log in, I thought the drugs were being cooked in mexico by the cartels and shipped to Fring for distribution. Thats why he wants Walt to cook for him in the country, it eliminates the problems with the border and with the cartels themselves. He may still want to lay low, but his shipmen

It was Volvo.

Wasn't there one with Robert Downey Jr ?

Its true, everyone at work passed the movie around and thought it was amazing. Its not, its just more relatable than the shitty to mediocre comedies they usually watch.

I live in Canada and watch can only have the Comedy Network. It shows a lot of Comedy Central shows, and other than South Park, the Daily Show or Colbert Report I can't think one one show I have enjoyed. I must sympathize with you, because I would assume they only show the more popular or "better" shows so I can't

Why are we all focusing on his movie career while completely ignoring his his reinvention of blues and jazz!

Apparently I'm not boring enough, your still posting.

I pay 38 bucks Canadian, and we're the poorer country. Well not on paper or in resources but you know what I mean.

I have no idea what any of that means. When I saw the Incredibles, (which Ive seen dozens of times thats to my children) I saw a really excellent animated movie, that combined themes and elements from the best in comics. It was a movie crafted with love, and more successful that the more "adult" movies it pays homage

Dan Connors is a good man, he only beat up Fisher because he hit Jackie!

Your right, and I even don't mind being informed about products or new television shows in which I might like. Advertising itself isn't evil, but they sure damned the hardest to annoy the hell out of everyone. Alot of times I noticed Hulu just played the same ad over and over for the same episode. This can get really

I like that in our life time, we will get to see Network Tv die. That makes me feel good. Network tv, and the planet. Oh wait…


Thats in canada too, and except we dont care because Hulu blows.

Yeah me and all my friends always pay as much as we can for music, movies and internet!

Oh man, NO SHIT!!! Cable packages are the bane of my existence. Would it be so hard to allow to only buy the 9 or 10 channels I want? Although I did get bell to knock 40 percent off my monthly bill by calling to cancel and ranting about "the death of their industry" and "why am I paying you anything when I can watch

So is bitmon, and they're ads have tits!

I dunno, they could just throw a bunch of gross fat people in a room with a few primordial dwarfs and you'd millions watching.

I hope at some point Jason Segul works his penis into The Muppets movie. Or maybe just into a muppet. Now that would be a movie.

Tostitos salsa is pretty boring. AGMW unrelenting optimism is a beacon of light in the eternal darkness that is my life.