Rrose Selavy

High school kids
Hi, I didn't watch his stuff either, so let my opinion be heard!

No, really
Take on me A-ha

I think that most people who actually read criticisms understand that they will not have a complete sync with any critic. For instance, I rarely agree with Kenneth Turan or Edelstein (sp.?), but I read them too so I can get a bigger idea of what I'm going to see/hear/read.

Masked and Anonymous
I know I'm one of the only defenders of the movie, but I loved Rourke's fascist speech interwoven with Cold Irons Bound. "It's a new day. God help you all."

Here's a taste of the standards:
USII.29 Analyze the presidency of Ronald Reagan. (H, E)

I had one student ask in all seriousness if we could watch Jumper in my World History class because they go to the pyramids and stuff. They did not think that Triumph of the Will was an appropriate substitute.

Actual History teacher alert!!!
As is mentioned I am a high school history teacher. And i teach an Honors interdisciplinary course with an English counterpart. All of your suggestions are nice, but let me say that the vast majority of students (grade-grubbing honors kids, too) are just not interested. I would take

"Lily had already taken the dye out of her hair" inexplicably breaks my heart everytime.