
Welp, I said I'd check out the pilot and I did. That's it for me.

I'm going to miss Columbo! Now, I'll have to pull out my DVDs if I want to watch them! What a pain!


That would be nice. Some kind of nod to it's earlier self because for a final season, TVD is sucking right now!

They're unlinked now so that particular item is no longer an issue.

Yeah, I don't get all the hate but I haven't read the books. I tend to hate poorly adapted movies/shows too so I guess I'm lucky I didn't read them so I'm not as bitter as everyone else seems to be here.

Is the humanity switch the worst repeated plot device in show history? <—-why yes, yes it is! I'm SO ready for this show to be over now! Done with the repetitiveness, odd pairings with no chemistry and lame villians! When is The Originals returning?

EXTRA corny lines this ep "FINISH HER!" I'm like what is this, Mortal Kombat? Then "you're done!" while choking someone out? Wow!

Um, there was no need to see how the characters dealt with their timelines. We had an episode or 2 last season focusing on 3 characters and how they dealt with living in a different time. Why rehash? Move on.

I noticed that too. Thought it was pretty weird. He just had that big creepy grin on his face.

….."He looks like Tom Selleck!"

When they did The Music Man number, this show got extra cool points!!! LOVED IT!