Napoleon Bonerfart

He pronounces GIF as "jifes"!!!! This is plainly unacceptable.

It's an abbreviated form of the full name of the city "La Villa Real de la Santa Fe de San Francisco de Asis"

Very few college football programs actually turn a profit. It's sufficiently expensive to run one that only something on the caliber of Ohio State actually manages to produce money for the school. College sports apologists will usually point to alumni donations, which are harder to pin down.

College sports are an embarrassing sideshow and this debate is a distraction. How about something that would actually help college sports return to being an extracurricular activity instead of the focus of the modern state university, such as banning televising games or capping ticket prices at $10?

Everything happens so much

The era of coked-up execs greenlighting things is over. Now everything is driven by "market research."

I'm pretty sure that the I/P conflict is one of those things where any facts have long since been obliterated under a deluge of propaganda and the only thing left is cheering for your "team"

What, no mention of goatkcd yet?

My favorite sports anime

Well, if you can come to my house and give the massive head trauma apparently necessary to participate on Reddit, then sure! Otherwise, forget it.

Technically, mutton is from a sheep more than two years old. Hogget is the term for meat from sheep between one and two years.

Thanks for telling us about your waifus/huzabundos AV Club writers. Next: who are your OTPs

This is the worst band name ever.

Mine is just a more extreme version of Koski's. Have every single movie— every single one—made by a single maniacal control freak. There would be no other way to make a movie. This person we would refer to as the Film Lord. Nobody would be allowed to question the Film Lord's decisions, and nobody can suggest changes

I don't know anything about this music, but holy hell that's a great band name.

I would make fun of her, but it's not nice to mock the profoundly mentally ill.

I know the Simpsons sucks now, but it would have been better to publish no review than to publish this.

I woke up today
and took a huge shit. Seriously, this thing was the size of a miniature schnauzer.

You're not much of an asshole.
"Hey, Clarissa, explain *these*!" (points to genitals, hoots)

The casting for this movie was so obviously horrible that no one could possibly have predicted that it would turn out well.