Not a Beard

No problem.  I'm in a pretty good place over King George III, too, so it's all good.

I was previously unaware that yaks could play sax, but by jove!  The sax.

I was previously unaware that yaks could play sax, but by jove!  The sax.

No… ehhh, yes!

The Glee Club will visit North Korea and become a Communist propaganda tool.

Note the picture.  A hipster with crossed legs is sitting in a leather chair and gesturing at you.

Output, sh*t, gems coming through… this is the Human Centipede 3 discussion, right?

The only thing that pot fixed… is my life.

We need an AV Club browser plugin. It would open the links for us, and crash our computers with unparalleled efficiency.

It's an A.V. Club Easter Egg!  I'm going to have to do this more often.

Uck, that sucks Lemur.  Hang in there.

This year's Ball is actually interesting, as it's a smoked Gouda.  Also delicious.

Sorry!  Had to light a match there for a second.  That's better.

This Oz movie has appropriate whimsy to support Johnny Depp.  Where is he???

This Oz movie has appropriate whimsy to support Johnny Depp.  Where is he???

This series brings some much-needed attention to the problem of ladies having to give birth while riding bicycles in old-timey hats.

This series brings some much-needed attention to the problem of ladies having to give birth while riding bicycles in old-timey hats.

It had a good run.  43 episodes stretched the premise to the breaking point.

It had a good run.  43 episodes stretched the premise to the breaking point.

Yeah, you'd think they would have mentioned it once or twice before this or something.