
My vote is on it's all inside an autistic child's snow globe

I feel like they had to do a cliffhanger to give the other teams time to catch up after a task as subjective as this one… even though it was great.

Seriously, I live a few blocks from where ted and robin "live" and we're the only people I know who had any hurricane damage (our upstairs neighbor overflowed her bathtub and flooded our bathroom)… also all of the bars were open up to and immediately after the storm.

I had the opposite reaction to the speedbump… most speedbumps seem to take around 10 minutes. Like a Rubik's cube, slide puzzles are one of those things it seems like you either just get how to solve and it takes 2 minutes, or you just don't get it and it is completely impossible. I don't think I've ever solved a