Cornflake Girl

I think these days Hollywood now puts teens into three categories- Gleeks/Manic Depressives with Vampire Boyfriends/Skanks on a Fast Track to Rehab ala Lindsay Lohan (Hi, Miley)!

I don't know, she's just not my cup of tea. Just a little bit too… shrieky. However, I will say that if I had a choice between watching Anne Heche in the shower or Sarah Jessica Parker, I would take Anne Heche every time.

Seeing Vince Vaughn fap his flabby cock to that anorexic horse hybrid Anne Heche in the shower spoilt the remake for me. Actually, watching the remake spoilt a little bit of my soul.

You Can Cram Your Fist Right Up My Ga'Hoole Again.

If a network doesn't approve of Al Swearengen stabbing a little mystical midget cocksucker whilst wearing a toga then there is something very, very wrong with this world.

Goddamn, BB, I want to go to THAT college.

Me and my gal pal Bruce love a bit of Larry Wombat. Oo-er.

Whoah whoah whoah, Lovecraft, you willingly chose to immigrate to Australia? The only reason I'm still here is because I was born here and don't have the financial means to escape yet.

How dare you. HOW DARE YOU!!

@ dadafari: I like your style too, man. Got the whole 'Muppet on Acid' thing goin'.

Why only straight couples?
Mitch and Cam from 'Modern Family', and David and Keith from 'Six Feet Under'.

Holy shit, I have the same book! I might be a bit more depressing than you though, as you know the chapter where Michael Stipe manages to become successful and famous and say a big 'fuck you' to all those guys in Athens who chased him and said, 'Where you goin' hippy boy?' Yeah, well, I got the book when I was

Yeah, I couldn't really buy Duchovny as Hank Moody, simply because for me, it was simply an older Mulder acting like a sexually uninhibited yet amusing douche.