Psychoville is going to come on FEARnet. Or it's already on FEARnet? I don't know. I don't get FEARnet. But everyone should watch Psychoville!
Psychoville is going to come on FEARnet. Or it's already on FEARnet? I don't know. I don't get FEARnet. But everyone should watch Psychoville!
It's such a good episode, but the cringe factor is heightened for me because the exact same thing happened to me when I was a freshman. My two best friends and I debated whether we were too old to go trick-or-treating one last time, wound up doing it and being pretty miserable the whole time, and then got egged. It…
Thing is, he's always been that way about his parents, and it's always been adorable. But I'm with you on the rest of it. And Charlie doesn't seem so relentlessly stupid anymore. Not that that was in any way a bad thing.
I love it too. You can really tell how much she enjoyed herself doing the more uptempo songs. "Crazy" and the like made her a legend, but give me "Turn the Cards Slowly" any day.
Yeah, he's been getting goofier all season, but that was too much.
Dennis doing the demonstrating his cut-offs is probably my favorite sight gag ever from this show. It's not just that he has a freakishly wide stance, it's the way he bends his arms at right angles for some reason. It just seemed like a shape that no human has ever bothered to put themselves into before. I actually…
Coal Miner's Daughter is probably the one movie that makes me cry every time I watch it, and I'm generally not a crier. Saying goodbye to her father at the train station always gets me, but hell, sometimes I'll well up during that scene in the bathroom.
I loved the dancing guy catching fire just before the whole thing went under.
speech! speech! speech! speech!
Anonymous Tipster, somehow I knew just exactly what that was going to be before I clicked over. That whole episode was rough, though, wasn't it. I mean, the quiz broadcast is a pretty bleak concept to begin with, but damn.
oh fucking hell
You're a cruel man, Warren Oates.
Were you a tall baby?
I don't think there's ever been a more gut-wrenching scene in a comedy than that one. If there is I don't want to know about it.
das freaken google eye
Me too! But why is this under dvd? Does this mean it's not getting a US release?
Right there with you, quartz.
I took it as a really encouraging sign that Pete was able to get away with shouting at Roger like that.
I think he has a long history of being right about things and being bitched out about it, but I can't really remember any right this second. There was the thing about Kennedy not wearing a hat, for one, and that was…
I'm not a fan of the character either, but that little tug-of-war actually made me laugh out loud.
It was definitely swellegant, as in "what a swellegant, elegant party this is," and it made whatshername go up in my estimation, even if she was being derisive.
You know those mornings where you just wanna watch tv, eat corn chips and masturbate? Sure you do.