Scrotum Phillips

"In the full grip of senility, Billy attempts to re-create a scene from The Hitcher."

"In the full grip of senility, Billy attempts to re-create a scene from The Hitcher."

robthom, I see what you did there

robthom, I see what you did there

Spielberg is racing. The guy changed the guns in E.T. to walkie-talkies. They made a whole South Park episode about it.

For some, it is Cancer, then AIDS; for others, it oscillates between them at dizzying speeds.

Finding Nemo repurposed Contact's alien-world premise into an ocean saga.

Singer's Superman Returns needlessly burdened itself with some origin stuff but otherwise had the chance to free itself of that and do something really exciting. The filmmakers fumbled that chance. I agree that origin stories take up an unfortunate amount of action time but X-Men and Iron Man are way more fun than

It looks like their attempt to cast the luminosity of his outfit onto her dress. It does look wholly bizarre.

@Just A Guess: I was starting to think I was the only one anticipating that. If this season's finale returns to the grandeur of the old finales, it's a strong possibility. What the hell ever happened to Elias Koteas? House keeps track of 13 but not the man who shot him?

My cat is possessive and he doesn't use apostrophes.