
Claire's cheerleader rival from the first season is also in "Glee". I think she's the football player's abstinence-loving girlfriend.

Holly still looks incredible, but she don't look like the same girl we met in that first episode.

"This morning when I woke up, guess what was lying on my bed."
"A turd?"
"Yes, Bill. A turd."

Uber-asshole move?
Ken smashed Nick's guitar to protect Nick. He knew how terrible that song was, and how much Nick would embarrass himself in front of Lindsay by playing it. So he stole the guitar, PRETENDING to be an asshole, and smashed it. He'd rather look like an asshole than let Nick make a fool out of

I think the "We'll see" was the quote from Mark Brendanawicz. His earlier quote was that the park will never be built, but he got the reporter to change it to something (more) positive.