
Isn't Walter more of a cook than a businessman?

He's also a fan of All My Children and has appeared on the show several times.

"who can handle it, of course, but shouldn't have to"

People here are just as bad though.

She can convert for him. A girl converted for his brother. I don't blame her.

You're an asshole. I hope someone bombs you to bits.

When I was a kid I was a total outcast, and I had an elaborate fantasy world that I incorporated books/movies/TV into. After reading Great Expectations, I had a fantasy of finding an escaped convict and helping him and that someday he would send me money because he was so touched by my kindness.

You know Rabin reviewed both (yes, she wrote 2 books) of Superhead's books as part of his "Silly Little Showbiz Book Club."

Tyra Banks?

So, he shouldn't be on the cover of a magazine because he's attractive? I bet he looks equally hot in his mug shot.

People are just jealous because he's hot.

As someone who supports him (and his hotter brother) I was very disappointed in the article.

I was telling someone recently how I related to the Boston Marathon bombers. I doubt they'll ever speak to me again.

I'm guessing that they'll continue to shoot in Vancouver.

I like this idea too, because Walt craves recognition so badly it would be a happy ending for him.

Yeah, I've always suspected that it will end with Walt teaching high school chemistry under another name.

Season 2 has a lot of great character moments despite the silly plotlines.

I think after his Twin Peaks rip-off, excuse me "homage" comes out, he'll get another group of fans mad at him too.

@Scrawler2:disqus Generally it annoys me when people complain about a memoir being "it's all about me" because they're memoirs and I thought that was the idea. In the case of Orange is the New Black though, you get the impression that Kerman really sees the world that way. The worst parts of the book are when she

I already know how to use a gun. I mostly joined because it's women's club and I need some social interaction. I'm currently staying with my mom in the sticks and social activities are limited.