
What was the point you were making then? That the deaths of a few wealthy white children are so important that it must affect everyone in America for all time, including what's acceptable humor, while the deaths of the poor and non-white are ignored completely?

I changed usernames/registered with Disqus, and I'm just now seeing this because I wondered if my old account worked.

She thinks she's so clever because she draws as well as the average third grader and makes fun of great literature.

You do that. I found my EZ Streets reviews. I just need to edit them a bit and they'll be ready.

No, but it proves that someone isn't raped because they wore a short skirt and thus stirred sexual desire in another.

Total Eclipse. It's mostly just a mess.

I think that Poppy in Happy-Go-Lucky was the inversion of Johnny in this movie and vice versa.

It was famous for briefly having a naked Leo.

There's a prominent family in my hometown and they get away with everything. Including (no joke) murder. One killed his golf buddy and got off on some kind of insanity plea (he's not crazy, trust me) and got 20 years in a mental hospital.

Something like 80% of their business was late fees. That's not a good business model.

The only place that ever made me take a personality test was a Ralph Lauren store. I answered honestly and must've passed because they hired me.

When my mom was getting her MSW, she tried to get a job at Wal-Mart because she needed a part-time job where she could work at night. She thought for sure they'd hire her since she only needed a part-time job, wanted to work nights, and because she already got benefits from my dad being in the military, so she was

As I mentioned in the other story, I want a series of extremely short-lived shows, particularly Profit and EZ Streets.

No. We all accept behavior from rich people we wouldn't if the person were poor, or even just not-rich.

This too. I think they provide a great example of rape being about power not sex.

I feel like Jeremy/Sebastian was also supposed to illustrate how people are willing to overlook the behavior of rich people.

I found Ferrara's The Addiction on The Pirate Bay a while back!

I got the original Bad Lieutenant in all it's NC-17 glory at a Wal-Mart in 2000.


Heathcliff was perfect! Cathy was kinda annoying though. I was rooting for Heathcliff and Isabelle.