
The Main Character looks like
The love child of Rick Moranis and Kevin McDonald….

I agree with Doctor Handesome.

Dave Nelson you say?

I want a lot of cock!

I loved Ben Kingsley when I was a kid.

Apocalypse, as long as they're delicious diseases.

I also didn't see any flaws with Flight of the Navigator back in the day….when I was 7 and anything with a talking spaceship was the greatest thing ever.

I thought Nathan Loved random dance numbers!
Nathan, didn't you profess (in your Doctor Detroit review) your love for musical sequences and elaborate choreography in movies, especially non-musical movies? Even in the most mediocre movies!

That's funny, I saw this when it came out, but I don't remember it.

So is the use of 'Mac' as the name of the Alien referring to Big Macs?