Demons Run

And what does the Aurora shooting and Joe Paterno have to do with roasting Roseanne?

And what does the Aurora shooting and Joe Paterno have to do with roasting Roseanne?

Was the 'best' one the bank robbery with Manservent Neville/Badger/Romo/Canton Deleware?

Was the 'best' one the bank robbery with Manservent Neville/Badger/Romo/Canton Deleware?

I really wanted them to be eating the pizza the next time we saw them in the room, with the excuse, "Well they are already here."

I really wanted them to be eating the pizza the next time we saw them in the room, with the excuse, "Well they are already here."

How can this not be an A. Bruce Campbell got to take the lead and Nate died. Sounds like a good ep to me.

How can this not be an A. Bruce Campbell got to take the lead and Nate died. Sounds like a good ep to me.

Jesse may not be a Queen fan, but we all know that music left in the car for longer then a fortnight will turn into the best of Queen.

Jesse may not be a Queen fan, but we all know that music left in the car for longer then a fortnight will turn into the best of Queen.

Giffords, the Obamacare case, Dewey vs. Truman, are all good examples of the press jumping the gun with the wrong conclusion.

Giffords, the Obamacare case, Dewey vs. Truman, are all good examples of the press jumping the gun with the wrong conclusion.

I'm implicating that it's fatally hamstrung by being about a news organization that has to get news out as fast as possible that is set in the recent past where we already know the results before the characters do.

I'm implicating that it's fatally hamstrung by being about a news organization that has to get news out as fast as possible that is set in the recent past where we already know the results before the characters do.

Ok, I'm a bit late to the party, but it's a fictional news show, but the news they are reporting on is real and about a year old?

Ok, I'm a bit late to the party, but it's a fictional news show, but the news they are reporting on is real and about a year old?

Go Adam for doing a few second cameo

Go Adam for doing a few second cameo

You can't stop the nominations for Most Egregious Spoiler yet, we still have more episodes of Leverage to go. Also there are still "mystery" shows on USA.

You can't stop the nominations for Most Egregious Spoiler yet, we still have more episodes of Leverage to go. Also there are still "mystery" shows on USA.