Formerly used to have fun unre

This was the weakest SNL episode I have ever seen. Every sketch was a no lauhgh dud. Every one. "hows he doing" had some jokes at least but the webshow and the yelling couple one literally did not. Did the writers just give up?
What was this!>?

That episode was the real turning point for Locke.
From the mysterious most awesome character ever put on tv, to some befuddled asshole.

Haven't checked the ep yet, but the way I feel about the show in general is that it's a little bit of missed potential. There's soo much there, and it's soo weird and well done but everything just seems a tad undercooked. Like they try to do too much in every episode in too short a space of time and it holds the show

I know youre making jst jokes (from your stand-up act??) But Isnt yelling at a lens flare like yelling at shooting a scene during the night time? Its just a visual choice. I never did get this Lens Flare R Bad criticism/meme/whatever

Sincere comment here: It legitametely dissapoints me they have no intention, when putting together a new Simpsons episode for several months or so, to level the quality to like how it once was. I am sure they could hire a bunch of new talented funny writers who would kill to write for the show and make it cutting edge

Why is she crying?

the last few seasons of curb were kinda dissapointing anyway..

Will Ferrel and Kevin James

Give this guy a pulitzer!

Far be it from me to make an entirely sincere comment, but Dre really truly is someone who came from absolutely nothing. The fact that he can become Rich as God is inspirational as shit

Best KissFight was fuckin amazing.
Rest of the show was very meh

God Seth Meyers is a fucking bland bore

Are we still living in the era of a host toning down his act for 11:30?
I think after ConanGate, and the fact the 2 Jimmys kept the exact same show when they moved to 11.30 we wouldnt have to worry bout that anymore

Which isnt saying much. I thought for a second watching it was in fact the final episode and was horrified by how bad it was. No its just the second to last episode with the wedding and emotional speeches or not, it was still badly done.

I listened to the Wu Tang one and its genuinely freaky how well the song and the verses/pauses match up without editing.
But seriously these songs could use more production

I gotta say Im surprised the Sheriff of Nottingham or any character bit doesnt die in a live stage setting. Its not exactly the kind of humor thats laugh out loud every 5 seconds, yet it managed to elicit that

I think, for most, Star Wars begins and ends with the first 3.
The prequels were awlful and the majority has ignored all the other spin off stuff including this show.
I disagree that means the original 3 movies are any less important in pop culture. They are still some of the most famous, well liked movies of all time

Watch Wreck-It-Ralph
That movie had way more Qbert references than it needed to. I think its the only game Rich Moore has ever played

Much too kind Sims. This show was the blandest thing ive ever sat through. As bland as the Jay Leno show. At least Conan and Fallon's rocky starts had inventive comedy bits in them

Alot more negativity here than i can relate with. Fallon is the heir to the silly absurdist skits Letterman long abandoned and Conan has gotten too lazy to do anymore.
Yes he doesnt have the Edge or comedic talent of either, but it almost doesnt matter because his show is far more consistently entertaining.
I thought