
Re: Frasier is a Starfleet captain!
Here you go, Zack

The night was…
It's too damn sultry in here.

Oh… this
Sometimes I lament that human memory is so frail a thing, so given to fogs, gaps, mix-ups, and even lies.

It's not crunch time, Mr. Paris. It's time for…something else.

Law of Unintended Consequences
If I remember right, DS9 took the whole "Evil Spock implementing reforms at Good Kirk's suggestion" thing and ran with it. Turned out 99.999% of the Mirror Universe's inhabitants were evil bastards, and Spock's reforms ended up getting all of humanity enslaved or something.

I like how obvious it is that they struggled to come up with a potentially bad thing for Public Enemies.

Grey Popoulism
I think Hannity might have hit a nerve here.