
I want to like Katherine Hiegl. She's so pretty. Seems nice enough. But somehow, onscreen, it seems like her soul is a sucking maw.

How can you fit so many errors in one sentence? Fast and sloppy is one thing, but being that wrong/confused takes work, no?

I was a surfer. I sideways skateboard.

Hey, is that the outdoor stage at HM157?

Or possibly the one in the year 2525 that works just like a beehive.

Re: Megan and the "full view" at the party. There is a Monty beyond that Monty, if you catch my drift.

Stellar show. I watched it all up in a blissful two-week stretch. Very subversive, especially when concentrated like that. Every one of the Veridian ads is golden.

Runny on the pitty kine, my nephew

In my experience, trumpet is one instrument that can't be synthesized realistically. Those are undoubtedly real instruments. I just thought that characterizing intricate brass arrangements as mere "burping" was dismissive and kinda clueless.

"Burping" brass? Do you have any idea how hard it is to play shit like that?

That's Joan Jett Minelli, of course.

Very liked this. Thanks you.

Leonard, in the Drawing Room with an Auto-Erotic Asphyxiation Kit!

Which do you think will get yanked off the air before the other - this or the new Beavis and Butthead?

Nice review, Noel. Thanks very much.

Call Tickmaster of Puppets now!

Mama Se, Mama Sa, Mama koo WHAT?

Get annoying.

This director was pretty annoying on Doug Loves Movies recently. Then again, most of the non-professional-comedian guests do.