
Look at us, we're so in love
I bet we french kiss all night long
I wish I knew what hole you're gonna poke me through

What's your Dad like?

That's Racist

Heckuva job, Brownie! (that's what I call HBO)

No LA shows at all? How is that even possible?? Stupid Coachella.

Back in the early 90's, SST used to have a "superstore" on Sunset Blvd (right near the Whiskey) that was just a really small storefront with all of the current SST catalog displayed on the shelves. There weren't really any rarities or discounted items, so I never quite understood the point of the store, but it was

Re: DLM. Since when does driving 7 miles to Flappers in Burbank from the UCB theatre constitute a "road" show?

Math trolls are the wor5t

I've never even heard this Dawes shit except every time I come on av club. Now I wanna go see Blitzen Trapper next week, but don't wanna cuz stupid Dawes. What is it?

I always thought Doug Stanhope's stand up was great, but found it hard to be a fan because he seemed like such a miserable prick. Watching the 'Eddie' episode, I realized that he was great - and others like him (Bill Hicks, Bill Burr) - are great BECAUSE they're miserable pricks.

This one time on AVQ&A they decided to crap on really good shows for no reason…

The Wolf, he dead

100% agreed on that one. One of the few household names of comedy that I feel deserved obscurity. Makes me cringe every time.

Hey there, knee jerk
It's that kind of unearned, ignorant and egotistical head-up-assedness that keeps me from wanting to hop a plane to your used-up, grey and depressing part of the country.
Please stay away from California. The biggest problems we have here are the idiots that won't stop moving here from the East

Confirmed. You've also conveniently listed them in the order of funniness. And I think you mean Mary Lynn Rice-cub.

I'm going to a taping tonight
If you guys want, I can check back in with who the guests were and whether they were funny or not. Or whatever.

I played some Castlevania on the PS3 on the floor of E3. Not being very familiar with the series, I can's say how it stacked up.

You all look like insects. In yer brand new sun specs.

Bang fucking bang, the mighty Fall
We are northern white crap that talks back
We are the fall we were spinning we were stepping
Cop out, cop out as in from heaven
The difference between you and us is that we have brains
Cos we are northern white crap
But we talk back
Uh oh, uh oh

Citay? Is that like Partay?