
Great post! Additionally as I said elsewhere, Huell doesn't seem to have the stature you would assume a master pick pocket would have. Jesse suspected Huell but could justify that it was very unlikely. When the weed incident happens, he realizes that his suspicions were entirely right.

I think there is a layer of actual concern- there are a lot of moments where Walt could have been rid of Jesse and it would have been hugely convenient (Season 3 ending comes to mind) but saved him anyway at great risk to himself. I think Walt really does believe this is best for Jesse, but Jesse was right to call him

Ha, I actually know exactly what you mean vis a vis feeling bad that the tension was taken away for others. I think Vince Gilligan actually said that the spin-off might be a prequel so people shouldn't assume Saul makes it out alive.

Also, as others have pointed out, Huell doesn't look like he'd be a master pick pocket (perhaps one reason Saul employs him, as we know he isn't a competent bodyguard). Jesse certainly suspected that Huell could have removed the ricin when he patted him down, but he was probably able to convince himself it was

This is weeks late (or right on time in this crazy watch at your own pace future we live in) but I think people saying how dumb it was for Piper to yell at Healy are missing an important point- she yells before hearing the voice tell her she (ie. the voice) has been in there for a year. I think prior to yelling, Piper

I haven't seen The Sopranos yet so I can't really comment to that. It seems you're saying The Sopranos did almost exactly what Breaking Bad is doing on a level that's so much higher it leaves Breaking Bad a poor imitation that devalues TV as a whole. That would strike me as an exaggeration, but I'm not really equipped

I think it has things to say about the ideas of masculinity and power and trying to escape from the average existence most people will be condemned to. There's something fascinating and enticing about power and the lengths we are willing to go for it and the things we will or won't sacrifice for it.

Some of the arguments I can understand, but I don't see how dark humor means the show has no humanity. For example- when they find Gail's tape where he's singing Major Tom- that moment is both touching as we see a personal moment in this man's life that Walt callously destroyed and  it's hilarious because it's an