The Jew Pornographers


I absolutely love Operation Hell on Earth. One of my favorite aspects of it is Jay Johnston. The way he delivers his one(?) line is gold. Also, watch the scene again and pay attention to Jay's face. There is one part where the camera is behind the people who are seated, looking over them to Bob and David, and

Can we focus a bit more on how awesome WE3 is?

If that's the case, hopefully you will soon join him.

The answering machine message
I wonder if this inspired Favreau's answering machine scene in Swingers?

The show can always use more Eric.

Leader of the pack: Brian Doyle-Murray

You have failed in every conceivable way.

Christopher had tons of great lines. One of my favorites: "The highway was jammed with broken heroes on a last chance power drive."

"I think that's a problem with the first season in general, though: there are a lot of episodes that pull stuff in out of the blue…. I think The Sopranos eventually got out of that habit…."

Here's another vote for not limiting the length of the articles.

"Carmela's reaction at dinner time existed entirely to move the plot along, and NOT because that's something that the character would do."

Doesn't the clerk refer to him by a name other than Vito? Between that and the way he instantly backs down from Christopher it seems that while the actor is the same, this is not the same character.

Pie in the face
So pimpish

You know what would be a great idea? A feature-length MacGyver spoof. Oh, we're onto something here.

Who was the governor of Campania during the Herculonious period?

A classic single disc could be made from Wu Tang Forever.

"Pool is as cheap now as it ever has been. Besides, who was making it hip? "

I believe in the Church of Ping Pong.
I've tried all the major religions, and most of the minor ones. I've worshipped Buddha, Allah, Brahma, Vishnu, Siva, trees, mushrooms, and Isadora Duncan. I know things. For instance, there are 108 beads in a Catholic rosary and there are 108 stitches in a baseball. When I heard