The Jew Pornographers

@ I Doubt That:

Some members of the group are better than others! If you disagree you are an [insult].

The fire in which you burn slow


The commentaries pick up as the show goes along. If I remember correctly, the commentary for the first couple episodes is just Bob and David. It doesn't start getting really whacky until the rest of the cast joins in. Anytime Jay and Paul improvise over a scene it's comedy gold.

Sixx's book "The Heroine Diaries" is really good. It's his diaries from when Motley Crue were at the top and he was (literally) killing himself with drugs. There's commentary from other people involved thrown in.

You're trying too hard.

Doesn't Kelly make his first appearance in the commentary for one of these two episodes?

Telephone time
More hilarity from the commentary track

Would you ever fuck me?
No… I'd jerk off instead.

I will never understand why they cast Janeane Garofalo to do a bad French accent rather than just cast a French actress who speaks English with a real French accent. It's not like she has some bankable star power that brought people into the theaters (that's not a knock on Garofalo, just a fact).

FWIW, Tobias, I think the review would benefit from saying this, "The isolationist metaphor in DOGTOOTH is a flexible one, and leftists, rightists, and in-between-ists can apply it however they will", instead of singling out any particular political view. Thanks for clarifying.

the Glenn Beck era
I'm not one to cry "biased liberal media," but come on. You say "the Glenn Beck era, when people are living in paranoid bubbles of their own making, bunkered down by ideology." That could just as easily read "the Barrack Obama era, when people are living in paranoid bubbles of their own making,

The first season
is not the best


It was Scott Ian all along.

Oh, you men.

LadyManBug gets my vote.

I have never seen the original Footloose
True story.

Takashi Miike