
On the plus side, at least no one made fun of an artist for having lupus.

He's awful, just not "killed the 35th President of the United States" awful.

Not every bigot is a Christian and not every Christian is a bigot, but still.

Was this filmed at Vasquez Rocks?

Summer: Game of Thrones casting season
Fall: Game of Thrones production photo season
Winter: Game of Thrones trailer season
Spring: Game of Thrones episode season
Year-round: Game of Thrones thinkpiece season

"Oh no, not irony!"

Most of what was revealed in the show was included in a book published during Clinton's first term. Sorry, *Bill* Clinton's first term.

I actually would like to see a column on why Hollywood decided we needed *another* expensive Edgar Rice Burroughs adaptation.

Seems like the biggest difference is that the show is now contracting rather than expanding. As late as last year it seemed like the show was interested in introducing new settings and families, but now it looks like they're wrapping up business in Essos and wiping out entire houses.

You would be right.

Maybe it was a case of Martin outsmarting himself by setting up a traditional hero's background for Jon, and then having it not matter in the end. But since he hasn't gotten around to writing the end yet, it still seems important.

Wait a second. How could a self-proclaimed millenial have created a theory from a Geocities page in the 1990s?

Wait, isn't that basically King Arthur?

He was committing treason by keeping that secret. You don't ask someone to join in for no reason.

It'll probably be taken care of by Infinity War.

Before he died Gregor Clegane was the most infamous rapist in Westeros. In *Westeros.*

That was a dog, though. People like dogs. Arya only killed Freys.

The Dornish and Tyrell armies are the ones least crippled by years of warfare, along with the Vale. They really should be able to roll over the Lannisters even without Dany's army or the dragons.

Definitely best to leave it implicit.

When alive, the Mountain was known for doing two things, and he was forbidden to kill, so…